[ChatGPT][SFML][커스텀 2D 게임 엔진 개발] C++에서 자체 SFML 게임 엔진에 SFML을 사용하는 기본 게임 루프의 예제 샘플

 [ChatGPT][SFML][커스텀 2D 게임 엔진 개발] C++에서 자체 SFML 게임 엔진에 SFML을 사용하는 기본 게임 루프의 예제 샘플

// Here is an example of a basic game loop using SFML for your own SFML Game engine in C++

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>

#include "engine.hpp"

int main()


    // Initialize the engine

    if (!Engine::init()) {

        std::cout << "Error initializing engine" << std::endl;

        return 1;


    // Main loop flag

    bool quit = false;

    // Event handler

    sf::Event event;

    // While application is running

    while (!quit) {

        // Handle events on queue

        while (Engine::getWindow().pollEvent(event)) {

            // User requests quit

            if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) {

                quit = true;


            // Pass event to engine



        // Update the engine


        // Render the engine



    // Clean up the engine


    return 0;



This example uses a separate engine.hpp file to initialize, update, render, handle events and clean up the game engine.




// You may need to provide the implementation of these functions in the engine.cpp file for example

bool Engine::init()


    // Create window

    m_window.create(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "My Game");

    // Initialize other engine resources

    // ...

    return true;


void Engine::update()


    // Update game logic and other engine resources

    // ...


void Engine::render()


    // Clear screen


    // Render game objects and other engine resources

    // ...

    // Update the window



void Engine::handleEvent(const sf::Event& event)


    // Handle input events and other engine events

    // ...


void Engine::cleanup()


    // Clean up engine resources

    // ...



Keep in mind that this is just a simple example and there are many ways to organize and optimize a game engine depending on the needs of the specific game.



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